Adam Was Not the First Human, for the Bible Tells Us So

Adam Was Not the First Human, for the Bible Tells Us So Let’s evaluate the Book of Genesis in the context of known history and modern science. Was Adam the First Human? The creation of man in Genesis has always been read to mean that Adam was the first human God created. Why is that, exactly? This isn’t stated anywhere. … Read More

The Untold Alien Story of The Garden Of Eden

The First Annunaki Landing & Establishment Of E.DIN Base Station Around 445,000 BC the first expedition of around 50 Anunnaki Astronauts landed on the shores of Mesopotamia. Within six days of their landing, the settlement of Eridu (i.e. Home In The Faraway, or Earth Station 1), in the region they named the Edin, was established by Anunnaki Astronaut God-Prince Enki, … Read More

The being who visted LDS founder Joseph Smith may have been an alien, and aliens and Mormons

‘Mormon Land’: ‘E.T.’ meets Joseph Smith? Why some Latter-day Saints believe aliens really are angels in disguise. Historian Matthew Bowman’s new book explores the intersection between religion and UFOs. (NASA) Earth from the Apollo 10 mission in 1969. Latter-day Saint historian Matthew Bowman discusses his new book, “The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill: Alien Encounters, Civil Rights, and the … Read More

Did people in the Bible really live to be 900 years old?

Did people in the Bible really live to be 900 years old? Question: Did people in the Bible really live to be 900 years old? Answer: The fifth and eleventh chapters of the book of Genesis describe the descendants of Adam, who apparently lived for centuries. These include Adam’s son Seth, who lived to be 920, and Methuselah, who lived a whopping … Read More